Friday, January 06, 2012

Twelve Clean Pages

Go right now and order your copy of Nika Maples' new book, Twelve Clean Pages. Nika (a good friend and bridesmaid in our wedding) asked me to read the manuscript last Spring. I was completely sucked in. I wrote a recommendation for the back cover saying "I was not ready for this book to end!" And, I wasn't. You must read this book of grief, struggle, questioning, anointing, and triumph. I cannot possibly recommend this more highly. Congratulations, Nika! You are brilliant!

For more information, you can click on her link over there to the right in my favorite links. Or, visit her website at . You can also read excerpts of her book on her will hook you. I watched as many of these life experiences happened to Nika. I don't know anyone else quite like her. She truly is an extraordinary person.

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