Saturday, January 01, 2005

2005? How can it be? It seems like it was just 1995. I have to be honest in saying that I am not that sorry to see 2004 leave. It was a long, hard year. I am excited for what the Lord will bring in 2005 and grateful for all He saw us through in 2004.

Today we had Ella's second birthday party. Her birthday is really this Tuesday, the 4th, but we celebrated today with a small group of friends and family. It was fun having the Boones here from Abilene. Grant's parents live here and they've been here for the holidays. We had breakfast with waffles, strawberries, whipped cream, and bacon. Ella enjoyed her friends being here and we had a great New Year's Day celebration. Maybe we should make that a yearly thing?

We went out with Ryan and Sarah Williamson last night for NY's Eve and had a great time. We saw Ocean's 12 and ate at Buca Di Bepo. Awesome night! My mom volunteered to keep the girls. OUR LIVES HAVE REALLY CHANGED! The girls loved it and I think my mom did too. We enjoyed a New Year's Day supper at her place tonight--delicious "hop-n-john" with black-eyed peas!

I am grateful tonight for the blessing of my family. Watching Maddie and Ella play today was such a gift. Sheryl is such a beautiful, loving, talented woman of God and He has blessed me with her as a lifetime mate. He's given us the gift of family living close like my mom and Aunt KiKi. He's given us amazing friends who also feel like family. We are richly blessed.

Tonight as I left Maddie's room she told me she loved me and I asked her how much. She replied, "Big and strong!" That's the best way I know to describe my gratitude to the Lord for all He's given us.

Happy New Year, blog family!


julie said...

Brandon, I'm with you...2004 was a tough one! I am ready for a new year and new beginnings. There were many great memories from this last year but lots of heartache too. Brandon, I am thankful for you and for your caring heart. I know that you talk about everyone else and how thankful you are for all of them...your family, your mom, your girls, your church family, your Zoe family...but I know that all of them are blessed to have you as a part of their lives. Our contact has been small but you have been a great friend...even when life felt like crap, you would run up with one of your all-enfolding hugs and ask how it was going and say that you would continue to pray. Thank you for that over this past year because it has been hell and you have shown a little bit of heaven in the midst of it. I know that your life has shown you some of that same crap and yet you have still been able to encourage and love and be faithful. I know that 2004 was one of those years but you made it brighter by just following Jesus and pulling us along with you. May God pour blessings on you this year until you are spilling over again onto the rest of us.
grace, Julie

Brandon Scott Thomas said...

Thank you so much, Julie! What an encouragement! Happy New Year, friend.

SG said...

I was really ready to say goodbye to 2004. Not that the year didn't have some high points, just time to move on. I have great expectations for 2005! :) Maddie sounds like she is a chip off the ole block. Isn't it amazing how each of us has our own little slant on life?! Can't wait to find out if baby 3 is a boy or girl... Is that appt. on Friday? Be sure and let us know!
I hope your Mom is getting settled in and feeling better. Tell her I miss her Musings! :)Happy New Year!