Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Sunday night since it had been a long day and I was still under the weather, we opted out of life group and went down the street to Ryan and Sarah's for some chicken and dumplins. They were really great! I love that our girls play with Sydney and Jack so well.

Monday I woke up feeling even worse. We did make it out just for sanity's sake. We went to the Hickory Hollow Mall where they have a great play area for kids. I just sat slumped watching Maddie and Ella while Sheryl did some Christmas shopping. We went downstairs as before we left and got to see Paul Shoun playing Santa. Maddie was thrilled when Santa actually called her by name. Of course, at this age, they don't expect anything less.

Last night we had the rehearsal from the bad place. Everyone was off their game and feeling punky--especially me. Time is ticking. It will be a great show--in a few weeks!

The kindergarten upstairs invited the staff to their Thanksgiving meal. It's a yearly tradition that we look forward to. I am so glad Maddie goes to school up there with such wonderful people.

We will get in the van tomorrow and drive 6 hours to N.E. Arkansas where Sheryl's family lives. It will be tight quarters, but we'll all have fun. Have I mentioned that Sheryl has 7 (yes, SEVEN) brothers and sisters?? Yeah. This holiday only 3 of the kids will be there, but even at that, we're talking 15 people. Holidays with the Rathbuns are always fun and full of amazing food and competitive card games. I think we're even taking Bear with us this time. It's hard to get a house sitter when you have the FLOORS BEING REDONE FOR THE FIFTIETH TIME. Sorry--just a little floor rage built up in me.

As I mentioned, we'll be leaving tomorrow night so that the kids can sleep most of the way. I'm somewhat hesitant to do that because the last time we drove at night like that was 4 years ago or so. I went to sleep somewhere near Dyersburg and ran us off the road, totaling our car and sending Kiki's friend to the hospital. It was horrible. So, please pray for our safety and for me to stay awake. 6 hours in the car with 2 kids...priceless.

I am thankful for many things this holiday. I am thankful mostly for the Lord and His continued work in my heart and life. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my wife--for everything about her. I am thankful for my kids and their love for each other and for me. I love getting those hugs and hearing their laughter. I am thankful that my mom will soon be living here. I am thankful for the friends and family God has so richly blessed me with. I am thankful to have a roof over our heads and food on our table. I am thankful that I've discovered this outlet this year. It has been a very therapeutic tool for me on many days. And...I am thankful for you, blog family. May God bless you this week and keep you safe. May His love and warmth fill your homes and satisfy you like the richest of foods.


SG said...

Good grief! You ran off the road? How awful!!! this time take lots of Starbucks along, or No-doze, or Red Bull,or whatever, just be safe! Have a great Thanksgiving!

CL said...

Brandon have a great and safe thanksgiving, Susan and I will make our trek to Nashville tomorrow with our crew. We will miss you Sunday, God bless!

Val said...

BST- In all seriousness, I have found a stay-awake-while-driving tool that I only wish I had known about 10-15 years ago. If I am eating salted sunflower seeds in the shell while I am driving I cannot go to sleep. I know it sounds too simple, but it has not failed me. I think it must be all of the activity involved in the process: breaking the shell, separating the kernel, eating the kernel, expactorating the shell (thanks Gaston). Give it a try.