Friday, November 05, 2004

Speaking of cancer and prayers...

Can we add John Edwards to our list? One can only imagine the depression he must feel this week after the loss. So much time, energy, money, dreams...gone--or at least put on hold. Then--the day you lose to find out the woman you love has breast cancer? Almost too cruel. Let's not forget, this is also the family that has suffered the loss of a child--something I cannot fathom.

Father, we lift up the Edwards family. We ask for healing for Elizabeth. Please grant them peace and rest right now. Keep them from despair. Draw them close to Your heart. Protect them from mean things being said and help them to see with Your eyes.


Adam said...



Beaner said...

It is so awesome to read your kind words. I got this off the AP wire:

Mrs. Edwards, 55, discovered a lump in her right breast while on a campaign trip last week, spokesman David Ginsberg said. Her family doctor told her it appeared to be cancerous and advised her to see a specialist when she could. She put off the appointment so as not to miss time campaigning for her husband, the Democratic candidate for vice president.

What does that say about her role as a wife? I think I would have put myself first in this situation, but I admire her for her strength. Thank you, Brandon, for bringing her to our attention & for bringing this family to God in prayer.

Clarissa said...

Yes, Lord, protect them from the mean things being said, and help us all to watch our tongues, myself included. I got to thinking, though, in a way I imagine he's glad they didn't win, if only for personal reasons, so he can give his wife and family the extra attention they'll need through this. Hard stuff, no matter how you look at it. Why is breast cancer becoming so common? Or has it always been this way and I wasn't old enough to realize it? It just seems out-of-control. Scary stuff. Two people in or close to my family have died of it in the last two years.
I hate cancer.